PTC – GOD has a soft-spot for humbled people and those who submit to GOD’s mercy... I HAD EXPERIENCE THIS RECENTLY…
I was disciplined by the Lord and it is because of FACEBOOK. Eversince I have posting God’s word on FB, I always have been burdened if I am doing it right thing. I didn’t want everyone to see themselves as somebody who is unworthy but I want everyone to see how LOVING THE LORD IS.. but the truth is, I do not hold the people’s heart.. some ignored, some liked it yes of course but those who were inspired are already christians but I knew most of my friends felt guilty. It was as if I was making them feel guilty why they are not Christian like me. So I prayed and prayed for discernment if I am pleasing the Lord w what I am doing.
And then the LORD showed me.. that facebook is taking me away from my quiet time, that facebook is on top of my priority when I listen or hear God’s word.. I ddnt meditate on it but I would immediately thought of putting it.. and it has become a bondage that if some particular event in my life, I would immediately thing of facebook.. and most of all, a “small” PRIDE pricks my heart when people “like” my posts…. I knew GOD was dealing with me because he used Luke 18 the parable of the pharisees and the tax collector.. it was during my school discussion when I heard it that GOD immediately showed facebook connected with the parable… from all the words mentioned, the word “the tax collector STOOD AT A DISTANCE”.. – Pharisee was all over the place and saying He is always praying and following the Lord and then Jesus said the tax collector was exalted because For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.. so GOD honours those who serve him even by just standing at a distance and praying that GOD would give me an opportunity to share the gospel in other ways.. other than facebook.. so God has dealt with me by serving him in other resources but not facebook I believe.. GOD dealt with my spiritual battle and the sins that is wanting to leave my habit.... GOD deals with us differently.. and this is me.. I don’t have anything against most of us who put biblical verses on FB.. but this is the way GOD has dealt with my sins.. because after God took me out of that bondage from facebook (seldom I open it unlike before), I immediately felt the FREEDOM from other sins like COVET, JUDGMENTAL, NEGATIVE THOUGHTS on how I see the lives of my friends… and God has given me more quiet time with his presence.
I admitted that I was disciplined like a Father disciplined his child and I completely taken FACEBOOK out of my habits …. PTC said, We have to be radically different and I remembered I didn’t want to serve the Lord in Facebook anymore so I would like to serve him differently… (my facebook is still there because the essence of using facebook is to connect with my family and friends, but the difference is that I very seldom open it and I completely stopped posting bible verses.)
PTC mentioned that GOD honours those who humbled themselves in his mighty hand.. it made me realized that a week after I was disciplined and learned how the Lord wanted me to be with him to silently read and keep the word in my heart.. because it has become an ENTERTAINMENT thing for me, I want to be closer to GOD via his word and not to think of posting before I medidate on it, I wanted to be transformed by the word and not be entertained by posting it.. I want to spread the gospel but I want to do it personally, evangelize personally so I can be used by the Holy Spirit to explain it further to my brothers and sister..
The Lord honoured my obedience.. I felt the Lord honoured what was revealed to me. A week after, I was surprised that the Lord answered my prayer regarding my operation.
my operation is supposedly due JANUARY because of a long queue or waiting list. When I learned that I am going to WAIT AGAIN and prayed that the Lord would give me patience but I knew I was at peace because I could understand why I need to wait – that the GOD’S TIME is always perfect. So I trusted the LORD’s time and not my own time.. anyway, the Lord answered me just 2 weeks ago or right after I was rebuke by the Lord and humbled myself with God’s discipline.. I received a call from the doctor that somebody has cancelled her schedule so they were asking me if I want to be included.. so from January to NOVEMBER.. 3 months to 2 weeks.. praise GOD, GOD HAS INTERCEDED the long list of patients to be operated… also when I talked to the OBGYNE, I was thanking her that she has remembered me and she said, NO, IT IS BECAUSE I NEVER DO SATURDAY OPERATION, HOWEVER I INITIATED SO YOU WILL BE INCLUDED… I KNEW.. AND I KNEW RIGHT THERE AND THEN, THAT IT IS THE LORD’S WAY.. I knew right there and then that it is GOD himself.. so I was all praises to the Lord.. after he rebuked me from my sinful ways, He showed me that God has honoured my obedience..
Oh well, I had my share of episodes when I speak to GOD and asked him to make me understand his plan for me… I do not have fallopian tube anymore which means, I could never have a baby naturally.. praise GOD that I can now understand why… 1 peter: 6-7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you
I mentioned before when I was not born-again, I aborted my child. However that is not the point because Jesus has healed me from that misery. He took the penalty of my sin and he has given me a new life and I am now being transformed and growing from his loving grace. I know this is not the consequence of my past but GOD is dealing with my present now. The Apostle Paul has been my inspiration when he used to be the number one persecutor of Christians, but he said the past is not the point, the victory of Jesus death and resurrection would have meaningless if we keep living from the past.. So anyway, after the operation, I don’t mind if I can never be a MOTHER because I know GOD has a better plan for me.. but not for anything else.. not to patronize me or patronize my testimony… but I would like to share this coz somebody might be waiting for GOD’S ANSWER to their lives.. I know God knows each of our hearts.. nothing s kept from him.. so I know GOD will speak to your heart.. but most of all, let us humble outselves on GOD.. as for me, I want the Lord to humble me so I could always see him in every aspect of my life.. you know when we read Paul’s letter, this is always mentioned.. to devote ourselves to prayers n thanksgiving so we would become blameless in his sight and so we will be ready in his arrival… or when Paul says either when I have plenty or when I lack something, let us be contented with GOD.. it is hard to understand if we are not humbled with what the Lord has done for us.. just like JESUS, I would like to surrender my right.. I praise GOD because he has truly warmth my heart.. If not, I could have been crying the whole day why the most important part of my life has been taken away from me.. the life of becoming a MOTHER.. but He provided everything for me.. there is IVF which can help me assist to have a baby, there is also adoption where I can be a mother to a lost soul.. I mean.. I desire every bit of GOD.. and it makes me happy when I know the Lord honours my word.. He knows our heart.. im sure everyone has been touched by the grace of GOD..we all have our share of testimony how the Lord has completely blessed us…
before the operation, Jesus has revealed his character to me.. a FATHERLY LOVE.. He spoke into my heart and said, I am your FATHER, MAE, No father can harm or destroy you. I created you. I am not just your creator, I am your FATHER and you are my child. That’s how he loves me that he would do everything whatever is good for me.. and I know from there, whatever he gives me is for my own good…
So praise GOD indeed.. and I thank all of you who has encouraged and … If GOD willing I will have a successful ivf or if I will bear a child through IVF, the LORD has completely honoured our prayers.. a KISS OF HEAVEN indeed…as if GOD showed himself to me… but if Not, I know I can always be a mother to anybody, I am at peace with GOD and more than a mother, I am honoured to become a GOOD DAUGHTER FOR MY FATHER GOD.. AND just because we LOVE HIM.. PERIOD..
For everyone who is listening, I pray that the Lord would reveal himself to you that you may see him as your loving FATHER. Maybe the Lord is withholding his blessing because we are not yet ready. He might want us to learn from Him first. He wanted you to be ready when he gives you that blessing or your prayer. We cannot just keep waiting for the Lord to give us our prayer, BECAUSE from our end, we need to be ready for his blessing. GOD treasures his blessing as well… so if we aren’t ready to take care of his blessing, he will definitely take it away from us… which means we need to look at ourselves and see what is hindering GOD from giving that prayer.. How long must we wait, said David and so like the other brothers and sisters in the Bible.. How the LORD withhold but not because he wanted to withhold but only because He loves us that he wanted us to perfectly learn to value his blessing.
The Lord has led the Israelites out of Egypt and going to promise land it took them hundreds of years to reached because they weren’t ready. They were provided MANNA but all they do is complained, but they didn’t see that Manna was directly given from Heaven and people didn’t learn that MANNA was not the point, the point is we need to desire GOD above all and his glorious presence in our lives…I learned that it is from the time of waiting that the we truly ENJOY THE PRESENCE OF GOD and how we honour HIM as our own and not just a loving GOD but as a LOVING GRACIOUS FATHER. Like a Father loves his child..
More importantly, our Father is not a genie or fairy that makes your entire dream comes true. A Father looks after his child whether in plenty or in need. When his child is in need, he still looks after him because he knows in time, the child would understand why it is with hold from him.. because the child would learn through the process of waiting.. abundance is not used in the Bible just because GOD can provide anything we need, abundance in the Holy Presence of GOD is all we need to remind us that it is our FATHER we desire. Our loving relationship is what we all need and others comes next..
I thank the LORD for his loving grace.. May the Lord warm our hearts even more that we desire him more than anything in this world.. I want to be RADICALLY IN LOVE WITH THE LORD.. and His LOVE shall be evident in my life.