Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Looking at the verses (isaiah 1:11-20) made me realized that there are meaningless situations wherein believers tends to do something for the Lord and only to find out that it is NOT AT ALL PLEASING TO THE LORD. This is why the Lord God repeatedly reminded us to avoid the cravings of sins which would not do us any good.

The offerings during the Old Testament is a guideline for people who are illiterate at those times. Come to think of it?! the Lord clearly states the procedure in taking out the best part of the offerings was for his pleasure. However how could you give those best part of the fattened animals, if you heart desires sins after giving it to the Lord. What is the main purpose of the offering is that your OBEDIENCE and LOVE for the Lord?

Many of us goes to CHURCH and study the word of GOD and yet our sinful ways are never changed and pleasing to the Lord. How could you pray and say that you have loved the Lord with all your heart, mind and soul but still allow sinful nature fights over you.

truly the battle is SPIRITUAL WARFARE. the Enemies are not the other people who have hurt us, but rather the enemy is the voice within us.

Paul clearly mentioned about the SINFUL NATURE in ROMAN 7, and ROMAN 8 has also explained the VICTORY we have in JESUS CHRIST.

Look at 2 CORINTHIANS 5: 17.. do you really believe that you are a NEW CREATION IN JESUS CHRIST? or do you still crave and lustfully feast in your sinful cravings?

Oh well, prayers and prayers.. and the FAITH that stands firm to be CHRISTLIKE is the only answer. BELIEVE that we are now a NEW CREATION and LET NOTHING MOVE YOU and always offer ourselves fully in the word of Jesus (1 Corinthians 15: 57-58). Cover ourselves in the multitudes of SINS (Hebrews 12: 1) and (psalm 1) explains how we must medidate on the word of God day and night, so we can wear the helmet of salvation (ephesians 6)..

I know GOD would preserve us to finish the RACE until we see him face to face..

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