Tuesday, November 30, 2010


The Apprentice is a television franchise which originated in 2004 in the United States. As originally conceived, the show depicted 16 contestants from around the country with various backgrounds competing in an elimination-style competition to become an apprentice to Donald Trump. The winning contestant would have the opportunity to work for Trump as the president of one of his companies for at least one year with an annual salary of $250,000. The Apprentice was developed by Mark Burnett, who successfully brought Survivor to the US. Since its premier, the show has spawned many licensed international versions as well as several imitations.

The Apprentice is a reality television show that originated in the United States- albeit created by an Englishman- on NBC. Billed as "The Ultimate Job Interview," the show depicts a group of 15-18 businessmen and -women competing in an elimination-style competition for a one-year, $250,000 job of running one of real estate magnate Donald Trump's companies. The position starts with an introductory one-year contract with a starting yearly salary of $250,000 USD.

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