Monday, April 12, 2010

an angel in disguished

Not so sure if its my business or not, but TSINA at the age of 28, still does not know how to cook?

Remembering our Dubai days together, we spent few months in the same rented house and spent hours chatting about life.. of course, she's one of those who introduce me to WENTWORTH MILLER, the star of Prison Break. It was at the hype of the first season, and we finished watching the borrowed DVD for 2 days i think or less.. We parted being housemates when her brother came to DUBAI, but it started an amazing friendship even if we dont see each other.. However.. I dont remember her cooking anything.. hmmm..

An amazing turnout of events, she decided to go back to Manila for good.. Respecting her boundaries, she promised to stay in contact.. Of course, with networking sites, and even blogger sites, she's everywhere. One time I asked her to register in a networking site where i met my husband, she immediately answered that theres no need coz she had 5 networking sites that time.

To make this blog shorter and the story even shorter.. we continue to stay in contact while i was a struggling OFW in Dubai.. Until a blessing of marriage has been finally revealed to me by GOD came as a surprise to all my friends, including tsina... Me and my husband decided to celebrate our union in MANILA and who else is there to support me with all the brouhaha, TSINA..

JANUARY of 2010 when she finally invited me in her newly found HOUSE OF WORSHIP, the Christ Commission Fellowship. As I have been always a believer of her taste, I immediately develop my faithfulness with the church. so we are again HOUSEMATES.. but now for the WORSHIP HOUSE OF GOD.. our felloship church, CCF.. guess, that is just meant to be...

As I developed my faith and journey with my walk with JESUS CHRIST, her usual unselfish act with me was to share a MINISTRY which she felt was her calling. A ministry called GLORIOUS HOPE.. ministering our brothers and sisters with HUHAHA.. short for habits, hang up and other one i really cant remember.. but its a ministry in helping people overcomsing their struggles in life.. people who are depressed, addicted or abused...

Finally, we both realized that the program we attended today was not just a ministry that we wanted to get active with, but the program that will also UNLEASH OUR HABITS, HANG UP.. and the other H, i dont remember.. sorry..

Fortunately, CCF believes that there are a lot of issues in our lives that will influence our relationship with GOD. ISSUES that continous to manifect as a recurrent sins.... so thats why, we both humbly admitted.

TODAY, I felt I owe her a very exciting part of my journey with CHRIST. She has shared with me a MINISTRY that is more than enough to help me HEAL, and most especially develop my SPIRITUALITY to sustain my FAITH with LORD JESUS CHRIST. that I think is just the most precious gift i have ever received...

THANK YOU TSINA.. FOR BEING A HOUSEMATE IN CHRIST and a loving friend who shared her weaknesses but also her forgiveness in the realities of LIFE.. an UNSELFISH ACT of introducing me to my BURNING FIRE FAITH as she fondly say to me.. without her unselfishness, i would have not felt this desire to be with JESUS if I did not have CCF to back me up.. and i thank her for this unselfishness..

I did not realized that SHE IS ONE OF MY ANGEL on EARTH.. I never experienced any problems with her since I met her - worked with her as well as a receptionist in Dubai Airport Hotel.. has never judge me for any of my mistakes.. UNSELFISH as she is to everyone, she has immediately shared with me all her blessings - CCF and GLORIOUS HOPE..

and after knowing her 5 years, I ddnt realize that SHE IS A GOOD COOK.. I have in mind to call her ANGEL, she cooked for me a very tasty MUSTARD SAUCED - CHICKEN WINGS.. (i dont know what she calls it).. GALENG MO TALAGA LORD, even in FOOD you amazed me and TSINA with your undying LOVE for us..


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